What's a house concert?

A live, acoustic performance with Peter & Becki that turns your space into an intimate "listening room" experience. Different from a house party, at a House Concert the performers are the focal point, sharing their original songs and stories.

Why we ❤︎ House concerts

If you've ever been to one of our gigs, you know how much we enjoy getting to know the audience. We love meeting new people, playing a song, and seeing their connection to it. House Concerts are one of the best opportunities for us to share our original material and really engage with music lovers. We build in plenty of time to mix and mingle so that we can meet everyone before delivering a show that's uniquely entertaining and memorable! 

Guests love it because they get to relax in a comfortable location and BYOB is cheap! Plus everyone can leave feeling good about supporting indie artists directly through tips and money they spend on merchandise.

did you know?

Musicians only make between $.003-$.005 per play on streaming services? A song would have to be played over 5 million times to recoup even a fraction of the expense of recording.

What do hosts provide?

  • A comfortable space for the concert: living rooms, backyards, patios, in small houses, big houses, condos, apartments, common rooms. The "house" can be any space you have access to where your friends can gather, sit, and enjoy a concert.
  •  A crowd of no fewer than 20 adults* 
  • Access to a power source - we'll bring all the equipment we need 
  • Space for a merch table (t-shirts, albums, etc... for sale) 
  • Refreshments (optional - BYOB and pot luck always work!)

*We've got language you can use for invitations and if securing 20 guests seems like a stretch, tap a friend to co-host! It can make these events even more fun!  

what happens the day of the concert?

  • We'll arrive an hour before guests are scheduled to start arriving in order to set up our equipment and do a soundcheck. 
  • As guests arrive we'll mix and mingle for about 30-45 minutes so that we have a chance to meet everyone before the show. 
  • After the pre-concert hang, everyone gathers in the performance space, people find a seat, and the host gives a brief introduction. Then we play for just about an hour. 
  • As soon as we finish, the host closes the concert, encourages tipping if guests enjoyed the show, and then we man the merchandise table.

not just for weekends

House Concerts aren't particularly lengthy events. From the time guests arrive until the music is done is about two hours - making this the perfect event for a unique, week night get together!

how much does this cost?

We're so grateful that you're willing to host us and introduce our music to your friends. These are tip-based performances, where 100% of the tips go to The Four26, including all merchandise sales. It's important that you clearly communicate on the invitation that if guests enjoy the show they will have the opportunity to support the artists with a tip and/or by purchasing their album and merchandise. Tipping is always optional, but we don't want anyone to be caught off guard by this aspect of the concert. 

Don't want to have a tip jar out? That's no problem! We can agree on a flat-fee that you can pay in advance.